Friday, November 10, 2006

Students and the Law

The following incident occurred at an inner city public school in Chicago-
An eighth grade girl became involved in a fight with another eighth grade girl several hours after school was dismissed. Girl A, a quiet student, a good student, never involved in negative behavior, "won" the fight with Girl B who had been involved in many fights and negative behaviors. The next day the mother of Girl B came to school with her daughter and was loud, profane, and disruptive. She cursed the Dean of Students, the principal, the school system, the President, Girl A and her mother. Girl B joined her mother in the mother's tirade. The mother of Girl B demanded that Girl A be suspended for attacking her daughter and that the teacher be fired.

State briefly how you would respond as principal in that situation.

The following occurred in the same school during school hours on a different day-
A very neatly dressed,quiet, well mannered sixth grade male student was brought to the principal by the Dean of Students. The Dean asked the student to empty his pockets on the desk in the presence of the principal.
A large clear plastic bag filled with dark leaves was placed on the desk. The student was asked to explain what was in the bag. The student said it was "weed". The parent and the police were called to school. The principal in the presence of the Dean, the student, the student's father, and the police that all were in the principal's office because the student had in his pocket a bag of what the student said was "weed". The father looked at the bag and said "Boy, what you doing in my stach?".

Briefly state how you would handle this situation as principal.